Articles by Barnabas

The Ultimate Choice

Monday, May 13th, 2024

Thanks for visiting our site. We’d like to be in dialogue with you. Our editor, John Andrews, faithfully practiced Christian Science until he realized one must choose between following Mrs. Eddy and her textbook or following Jesus and his book, the Bible. (more…)

Beware the “Christianity and” fallacy

Thursday, March 17th, 2016

“To the Son of God alone faith ought to look; on him it relies; in him it rests and terminates. If it proceed farther, it will disappear, and will no longer be faith, but a delusion.” (more…)

Playing false with the Bible

Saturday, November 3rd, 2012

When I initially left the Christian Science church and received Christian baptism, years ago, I regarded Mary Baker Eddy as a well-intentioned spiritual seeker who got some crucial things wrong but was still (more…)

Hymns for Him: God in Person

Sunday, April 1st, 2012

How can impersonal Mind or Principle be “my best friend”? Why do I need a Savior to “make my heaven secure,” if heaven is the unchanging reign of Spirit or atmosphere of Soul? (more…)

Designer spirituality worsens by the day

Sunday, March 27th, 2011

The widespread assumption that true goodness is achievable in human beings by one’s own effort was vividly illustrated by an exchange on Facebook this weekend. (more…)

Mike’s decision for Christ

Monday, November 3rd, 2008

Mike Norman, a New England man in his fifties, will remember the weeks from Labor Day to Election Day 2008 not so much for the economic or political headlines as for his new birth (more…)